Maintaining a life of independence can be challenging with loss of vision. Living Life Team, Inc. can bridge the gap to becoming independent through our uniquely designed support system.
Birth of a Vision
Losing 80% of her vision and not having a support system in her area. Rita Harris had the vision to organize a support group. After tedious planning, the group had its first meeting on January 14, 2016, under the name “Living Life – Blind/Vision Impaired Support Group.”
The group initially started with six people who are visually impaired and two volunteers, marking the first support group meeting, as a great success. Three months later Rita decided to redesign the infrastructure of Living Life Blind/Visually Impaired Support Group to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. She contacted Attorney James E. Carter (who is currently the Representing Agent) to begin the process of incorporating the group. April 18, 2016 the certificate of incorporation was received. At that time, Living Life Blind/Visually Impaired Support Group transitioned to an organization titled, Living Life Team, Inc.
Since then there has been a significant increase of visually impaired attendees, as well as volunteers offering their assistance.
The group was officially titled: Living Life Team, Inc. and on June 2, 2016, the first board meeting took place with the installation of officers. Living Life Team, Inc. is now in full operation as a non-profit organization providing support for the visually impaired, where we stand under the principle of “Making A Difference.”