There are hundreds of mobile apps that can make a world of difference in your life. Whether you use them for personal reasons or business. Here are just four of our most frequently used apps created with the blind / visually impaired in mind. Visit us again soon, as we are testing and compiling a list.
Be My Eyes
A free app that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.
KNFB Reader
Use it to import or take a photo of anything containing text. Take a photo and the app reads text out loud or displays it on a connected refreshable Braille display.
Seeing AI
A free app that narrates the world around you. Open up the visual world and describe nearby people, photos on your phone, text, currency and objects.
Soundscape Walking GPS
The Soundscape app can describe different shops, call out streets, points of interest, and intersections that you pass, along.